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Terms & Conditions
The Social Innovation+ Competition (“the Competition”) is sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Sponsor”) and organized by Education for Good (“the Organizer”).
By participating in the Competition, individuals or group of individuals (“Participants”) accept and agree to comply with the following Terms and Conditions.
1. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
1.1 All materials submitted (including but not limited to the Executive Summary, PowerPoint slides and short video if applicable) to the Organizer will be kept confidential as the rightful property of the Competition.
1.2 All materials submitted must be the original work of the participants. Any trademarks, patented or copyrighted materials from others must be properly acknowledged if participants are to incorporate any of these into the submission materials given that they have obtained any necessary permission to do so.
1.3 Participants should not assume any right of confidentiality over any data or information disclosed in public sessions. Submitted materials may be subjected to modification, utilisation, reproduction, public display, and/or publication online and/or in other media by the organisers for publicity or education purposes without any need for prior consent of or payment of copyright fees to the entrants.
1.4 Participants will retain all proprietary rights to their business plans regarding its use at all times prior to and following the competition. No other provisions are made to protect intellectual property.
1.5 By entering the Competition, participants agree to grant the Organizer a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the competition entry and any accompanying materials. As such, the Organizer is free to reproduce, distribute, inform and modify them in connection with any publicity of the competition on any media including its website.
2. Acceptance of Awards and Prizes
2.1 Three teams will be identified as the Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up (“Winning Teams”) and awarded cash prize and internship opportunities in one of the subsidiaries of Bank of China’s entities, in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the ASEAN.
2.2 Attendance from at least one member of the Winning Team(s) is mandatory at the award presentation ceremony.
2.3 For Winning Team(s) from the Greater Bay Area and the ASEAN, the cost of travel from their city of residence to Hong Kong for the award presentation ceremony will be shouldered by the Sponsor, including the 3-day-2-night accommodation and return flight/train/bus ticket fee to/from Hong Kong to the Greater Bay Area/ASEAN. Any other costs incurred in addition to those set out above and that are incidental to the fulfilment of the prizes are the responsibility of the Winning Team(s).
2.4 Winning Team(s) receiving prizes in the form of trips/and or internships outside their country of residence should be in possession of a valid travel document and permit of entry.
2.5 Authorisation letter signed by the parent or guardian for joining such outbound trips and/or internship is required for individuals aged below 18. The visa fees (if any) incurred are to be borne by the Winning Team(s).
2.6 Receipt of prizes should be signed and confirmed in Hong Kong by a member of the Winning Teams.
2.7 All Winning Teams will be required to sign an agreement (its form and substance shall be determined by the Organizer at their sole discretion). They are strongly encouraged to use the funding for implementing the proposed business plan.
3. Internship
3.1 Internship offers will be allocated by the Sponsor and cannot be transferred to other individuals. The Sponsor reserves the right to refuse to provide an internship or end an internship arrangement.
3.2 Internship offers are subject to availability. No cash alternative will be offered for the internship.
4. Marketing
4.1 Competition results for shortlisted participants during the semi-final and final rounds would be made public. Photos, videos and audios of the final round may also be broadcasted to interested person through media or the press.
4.2 The Organizer shall have the right to require entrants to participate in any reasonable promotional and publicity activities which may involve the use of the entrant’s name, image, trademarks and logos for any reasonable and related promotional purpose.
5. Other Terms and Conditions
5.1 The Organizer reserves the right to admit or exclude any entry to any individuals at any times.
5.2 The Competition results rest on the final decision of the Organizer.
5.3 The Organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or claim any award from any individual or team as necessitated.
5.4 The Organizer will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury or extra expenses resulting from participating in any events of the Competition.
5.5 In the event of dispute, the Organizer reserves the right of final decisions and to change the above mentioned terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
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